HEP Seminars

A direct detection view of new neutrino physics

by David Cerdeno (University of Madrid)

OLL/3-337 - Seminar Room (Liverpool Physics)

OLL/3-337 - Seminar Room

Liverpool Physics


Direct dark matter detection experiments will soon be able to observe solar neutrinos. Although this might limit their capability to search for dark matter particles, it offers a unique opportunity to probe new physics in the neutrino sector. In this talk I will show that, due to their sensitivity to neutrino-electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering, they will be particularly useful to explore the parameter space of general non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI), as well as some scenarios with sterile neutrinos. This offers a complementary view to that of spallation sources and neutrino oscillation experiments. This talk is based on arXiv:2302.12846 and arXiv:2307.05176.

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Organised by

Paolo Beltrame