HEP Seminars

Federico Meloni (DESY): Exploring the lifetime frontier with ATLAS



Particles with unusually large lifetimes (called long-lived particles, or LLPs) are predicted in several new physics scenarios, and are a particularly interesting area of research, with connections to dark matter, that could lead to a discovery at the LHC. LLPs can generate unconventional detector signatures that evade the constraints from traditional searches and require dedicated reconstruction techniques to be efficiently detected.
This talk will present recent results from searches for LLPs using 139/fb of pp collision data collected with the ATLAS experiment in Run 2 at the LHC.  Several experimental signatures and dedicated techniques are employed, and the results of the searches interpreted as constraints on a variety of BSM models, including the first constraint from ATLAS on long-lived slepton production.


Connection via Zoom:

Topic: Liverpool HEP Seminar

Meeting ID: 995 4201 4031
Password: 6R$m5uB#