12-16 October 2020
Zoom Meeting
Europe/London timezone

Big Data Python ecosystem for HEP

13 Oct 2020, 10:30
Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting


Eduardo Rodrigues


Data analysis in High Energy Physics (HEP) has evolved considerably in recent years. In particular, the role of Python has been gaining much momentum, sharing at present the show with C++ as a language of choice. Several (community) domain-specific projects have seen the day, providing (HEP) data analysis packages that profit from, and talk to well with, the huge Python scientific ecosystem, which navigates around NumPy and friends. In this "Big Data Python ecosystem for HEP" session I will present and discuss a large set of this new HEP ecosystem ever more used by analysts across several experiments such as the LHC experiments but also Belle II, KM3NeT and others. Ample time will be provided to "play around" with the material, in Jupyter notebooks.

Presentation Materials