12–16 Oct 2020
Zoom Meeting
Europe/London timezone

Making data work for you

14 Oct 2020, 09:00
Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting


Louise Butcher


Explore how data-driven technologies can improve productivity and strengthen competitive advantage, as well as some practical tips on getting data ready to make it useable and useful. This talk will look at established data tools and techniques, and explore how they have been used in practice to solve business problems, including: Brief introduction to the Hartree Centre; The data science process in theory and reality; Data gathering: collection bias and open data; How to make your data work for you; Structuring data and creating value.

Dr Louise Butcher is a Senior Data Scientist at the STFC Hartree Centre. Although working on all areas of data science and machine learning, Louise has a particular interest in the analysis of geospatial data including both satellite data and GPS/sensors. Projects have included analysing energy use for South West Water; analysing patient needs on discharge for Liverpool NHS Clinical Commissioning group; and improving GPS filters for mobile phone tacking for Glow Media. As part of a varied career to date, Louise previously worked at the University of Manchester on computer vision and face recognition, and founded a spin out company to exploit the technology.

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