12–16 Oct 2020
Zoom Meeting
Europe/London timezone
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This STFC-funded school will provide PhD students that are active in data intensive science additional skills to support their research, help them make industry placements a success and provide advice concerning possible career pathways in industry. The event consists of hands-on workshops, plenary talks, group discussions and evening events.

In light of the current situation around COVID-19, LIV.DAT closely monitors the situation for developments and requirements for organising events like these. The School will take place with current guidelines in place such as social distancing and a strict hygiene regime. However, as the developments around Covid-19 are outside our control, organised sessions may change and/or may be provided online. This information will be communicated to any registered participants as well as on this site.

Registration is now closed.

Due to the current situation around COVID-19, the decision has been made to hold this STFC School as an online event. The main program will follow closely the one that was scheduled to take place in Liverpool which includes workshops, an interactive poster session and live astronomy.

All applicants will be contacted with further details. (Updated 1 September 2020)

The previous school in this series was hosted by DISCnet in Sussex in June 2019

This event is supported by the STFC under agreement No 4070265360.

Zoom Meeting

The School is free to attend for STFC-funded students and students in one of STFC's CDTs on Data Intensive Science, other students are welcome to attend.

The cost for attending the School is £570.77 and includes accommodation in single rooms (5 nights, 11th - 15th October) with breakfast, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and formal dinner.

A reduced rate of £250 is available for those not needing accommodation.

Several scholarships for non-STFC funded early stage researchers will be available. Application deadline: 15th July 2020