Flux and spectrum prediction: Session 1
- Thiago Bezerra (University of Sussex)
Flux and spectrum prediction: Session 2
- Rachel Carr (US Naval Academy)
The 99% of the Earth’s radiogenic heat is generated by K, Th, and U that through beta minus decay release antineutrinos and heat proportionally. The U and Th geoneutrino flux measured by underground liquid scintillator detectors aids in testing Earth's compositional models with the energy spectrum analysis limiting U and Th quantity and distribution in the whole planet. Accurate predictions of...
We have reviewed the nuclear data used in the normalization of the electron spectra measured at the Institut Laue Langevin in the 1980s, concluding that they are very close to currently recommended values, except for the neutron capture cross section on 207Pb, which is 9% higher. This would lead to an artificially larger 235U electron and antineutrino spectra, consistent with the Daya Bay...
Isomeric states have been observed in about 150 of the hundreds of isotopes that can be produced in the fission of major actinides. These isomers can be populated directly through fission, and the isomeric yield ratio (IYR) represents the relative population of the excited state(s) and the ground state (GS) independent yield.
In this work, we present a comprehensive study of the extent to...
The Hartlepool Advanced-Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) design will be described and results from simulations of the anti-neutrino emissions from the reactors based on actual in-core data presented. The potential for siting small antineutrino detectors on site and performing near-field measurements and stand-off measurements will also be discussed.
We present the first detailed simulation of the antineutrino emissions from an Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) core, based upon operational data from the UK Hartlepool reactors and reactor calculations for each of the 2592 assemblies in each of the two cores. An accurate description of the evolution of the anti-neutrino spectrum of reactor cores is needed to assess the performance of...
This is an interactive tour of the neutrino signal estimates available using the online tool at Questions, feedback and recommendations from participants are encouraged.
The predicted reactor antineutrino flux is an important ingredient for particle physics measurements and neutrino-based safeguards applications, ranging from neutrino oscillation measurements to monitoring reactor fuel and operations. Over the past decade, comparisons between predictions and reactor neutrino experiments have revealed significant discrepancies which have motivated new neutrino...