HV-CMOS Group Meeting

OLL/2-036 - VC Room (Liverpool Physics)

OLL/2-036 - VC Room

Liverpool Physics

    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      Measurements 30m
      • H35DEMO - eTCT measurements + TCAD simulations 20m
        • H35DEMO --> Irradiated(1) + backside biased (100 um, 1k ohm*cm) + polished
        • (1) N-fluences are 1e14, 5e14 (one has not survived), 1e15, 2e15, 5e15, 1e16, 2e16
        Speaker: Matthew Franks (The University of Liverpool)
      • RD50-MPW1 - DAQ debugging and measurements 10m
        Speaker: Samuel Powell
    • 11:30 AM 11:40 AM
      Design 10m
      • RD50-MPW1 - Re-design of FE-I3 matrix to correct errors 10m
        • Mixed simulations of one column to study x-talk
        • Mixed simulations to study if there are any voltage drops (eg VDD) in the matrix
        Speakers: Eva Vilella, Zhang Chenfan (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 11:40 AM 11:50 AM
      Geant4 simulations 10m
      • pEDM 10m
        • Simulation of new detector proposal
    • 11:50 AM 12:00 PM
      AOB 10m
      • Conferences, papers and more 5m
        • Eva --> Vertex 2019 proceedings (deadline 1st December)
        • James --> pEDM seminar in January (TBC)
        • Matt --> Journal paper about H35DEMO eTCT + TCAD
        • Sam ---> Presentation for CERN-RD50 WS (presentation day is Tuesday/Wednesday next week)

        • CERN seminar (https://indico.cern.ch/event/855527/, Friday 15th November 10:00h UK time) --> LFoundry

      • New probe station 5m
        • Sven --> Do we have needles? --> We have a quote and are in the process of ordering some.