Dec 6 – 7, 2023
Liverpool Physics
Europe/London timezone

The main aim of the two-day workshop is to provide Doctoral students of the Liverpool Big Data Science Centre for Doctoral Training (LIV.DAT) and the Liverpool Centre of Doctoral Training for Innovation in Data Science (LIV.INNO) with an opportunity to identify opportunities for entrepreneurship in connection with their research and increase awareness of the potential of innovation and entrepreneurship and its practical application, helping to expand the impact of their research.  

To develop a business idea – whether in an economic or social context, you will need to apply a number of business concepts and relevant business tools to develop a business idea stemming from your research. Exploring opportunities for entrepreneurship also requires you to communicate your business idea in the market. As such, the two-day workshop will enable you to formulate your idea for introduction into the startup world.

After the workshop, you shall be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of entrepreneurship and opportunity recognition in a research context.
  • Assess your skills and reflect on possible future impact of your research from individual, societal and organisational perspectives.
  • Use entrepreneurial tools such as the business model canvas to develop a business idea stemming from your research.
  • Pitch your business idea to stakeholders and or potential investors.


The course will be delivered by Zeineb Djebali, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at the University of Liverpool Brett Centre for Entrepreneurship.




Liverpool Physics
Seminar Room, second floor, LIV.HUB

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Attendance of this workshop is strictly limited. Please register early to avoid disappointment.