6–7 Dec 2023
Liverpool Physics
Europe/London timezone

Presentation 1 - Why commercialisation in research is important? And how entrepreneurship can be used in a research context?

6 Dec 2023, 09:30
Seminar Room, second floor, LIV.HUB (Liverpool Physics)

Seminar Room, second floor, LIV.HUB

Liverpool Physics


A considerable potential exists to use the knowledge and skills created by research in physics and data intensive science to develop commercial products and services. Hence, this session will focus on understanding how commercialization can be a powerful way of enhancing and sustaining research impact. This is followed by examining the concept of entrepreneurship -what it is and how it can be used in a research context.

Part 1: why commercialisation in research is important?
• Definition of commercialisation by ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) as well as EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
Success Stories: Case studies:
Licensing Egrist mental health software
Creating the ReadClear App
Providing policy evaluation with CECAN LTD

Part 2: what is entrepreneurship? A working definition
• Knowledge based entrepreneurship & science commercialisation

Presentation materials