HEP Seminars

Status and perspectives of tau physics

by Alberto Lusiani

OLL/3-377 - Seminar Room (Liverpool Physics)

OLL/3-377 - Seminar Room

Liverpool Physics


Measurements of tau lepton properties are used to test the Standard Model and find evidence of New Physics in many areas. They provide a precise and complete set of lepton universality tests, and a second-best determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix coefficient Vus, in order to test the lepton flavour violation hints from the B anomalies and the standing Cabibbo angle anomaly on the unitarity of the first row of the quark mixing matrix. Searches of tau lepton-flavour-violating decays test a large variety of New Physics models and nicely complement the present vigorous experimental program on muon lepton flavour violation. Measurement of hadronic tau decay modes provide an alternative way to compute the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2, are also used to precisely measure the strong coupling constant and to test for its QCD-predicted running, when combined to the similarly precise measurements at the Z peak. A series of precision tau measurements is being actively pursued by the Belle II collaboration, and future extreme luminosity electron-positron colliders like FCC and CEPC will later offer ideal experimental conditions for precision tau measurements.

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 5545 1671
Passcode: e&e3Y?is

Organized by

Paolo Beltrame