HEP Seminars

Probing new physics with rare B decays at Belle II

by Dr Gaetano De Marino

OLL/3-337 - Seminar Room (Liverpool Physics)

OLL/3-337 - Seminar Room

Liverpool Physics


The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider results from a major upgrade of the predecessor Belle at the Japanese KEK laboratory. As of the end of 2024, Belle II has collected a sample of over 550 fb−1, similar in size to those recorded at the first-generation B-factories experiments. On the accelerator performance side, the maximum peak luminosity of 4.7×1034cm−2s−1 achieved by the SuperKEKB has doubled the previous machine record set in 2009, paving the way for a high-intensity flavor physics program. The talk will show the main features of the B-factories, with a focus on the recent results, the challenges and the prospects for the searches of rare B-meson decays involving penguin transitions as probes for New Physics.




Meeting ID: 681 8289 2434

Passcode: 646938


Organised by

Paolo Beltrame, Riccardo Nunzio Pilato