HEP Seminars

Quantum Information Science at Fermilab

by Dr Gabriel Perdue (Fermilab)


We will discuss two topics in quantum information at Fermilab. We will first offer a forward-looking examination of the new quantum center hosted at Fermilab, and second cover an actual quantum application of relevance to High Energy Physics (that happens to represent work outside the center).

The National Quantum Initiative Act established an ambitious goal for the United States to lead the world in quantum technology in the 21st Century. The NQIA called on the US Congress to establish a suite of "National Quantum Centers". Fermilab will host one of the five Department of Energy Centers – the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. We will discuss the SQMS mission to attack the physics of quantum decoherence, engage in fundamental physics experiments using quantum technology, and build a revolutionary quantum information platform.

Then we will discuss the role quantum computers may play in quantum simulation for neutrino scattering. We will explain at a high level why quantum computing will help with some classically intractable problems in quantum simulation, and present resource estimates for a real quantum solution. We will also briefly present some outcomes from early demonstrations on modern quantum hardware.

Organised by

Costas Andreopoulos, Jan Kretzschmar