28–29 Apr 2021
Europe/London timezone


Student talks: Wednesday Morning Session

28 Apr 2021, 09:00


Year 2 and 3 students

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Joost Vossebeld (University of Liverpool)
28/04/2021, 09:00
James Smith
28/04/2021, 09:05
Sean Hughes
28/04/2021, 09:11
Antony Hibbert
28/04/2021, 09:17
Abbie Chadwick
28/04/2021, 09:23
Jaiden Parlone (University of Liverpool)
28/04/2021, 09:29
Leonie Hawkins
28/04/2021, 09:35
Jan Hammerich
28/04/2021, 09:41
Adam Abed Abud
28/04/2021, 09:47
Gabriel Penn (University of Liverpool)
28/04/2021, 09:53
Eloisa Arena
28/04/2021, 10:03
Alessandro Biondini (University of Liverpool)
28/04/2021, 10:13
Steve Tickle (Liverpool University)
28/04/2021, 11:00
Ewan Fraser
28/04/2021, 11:10
James Gooding
28/04/2021, 11:20
Sam Hindley
28/04/2021, 11:30
Jack Ringwood
28/04/2021, 11:40
Mr Mohammad Alsulimane
28/04/2021, 11:50
Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez (University of Liverpool (GB))
28/04/2021, 12:00
Adam Ruby (University of Liverpool)
28/04/2021, 12:10
Samuel Powell
28/04/2021, 12:20
Building timetable...