16–20 Aug 2021
Liverpool Physics
Europe/London timezone



16 Aug 2021, 11:00
Liverpool Physics

Liverpool Physics


Lecture: Introduction to High Energy Physics

  • Abbie Chadwick

Lecture: Standard Model

  • Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez (University of Liverpool (GB))

Lecture: Beyond Standard Model physics

  • Matthew Sullivan

Lecture: Antimatter

  • Joe McKenna

Lecture: Particle Detection

  • Vinicius Franco Lima

Lecture: Liverpool and HEP

  • Themis Bowcock

Lecture: Neutrinos

  • Jaiden Parlone (University of Liverpool)

Lecture: Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Phillip Marshall

Presentation materials

Abbie Chadwick
16/08/2021, 11:00
Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez (University of Liverpool (GB))
16/08/2021, 15:00
Matthew Sullivan
16/08/2021, 16:00
Dr Joe McKenna
17/08/2021, 10:00
Dr Vinicius Franco Lima
17/08/2021, 11:00
Themis Bowcock
18/08/2021, 10:00
Jaiden Parlone (University of Liverpool)
18/08/2021, 11:00
Phillip Marshall
19/08/2021, 10:00
Building timetable...