22-26 August 2022
Liverpool Physics
Europe/London timezone

The Liverpool@CERN Particle Physics School will take place from 22 to 26 August 2022. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to hold this event face-to-face, and the school will be held virtually using Zoom.

This school, designed specifically for high school students, will serve as an introduction to Particle Physics, covering the main areas of interest in the field.

The school comprises of lectures by University of Liverpool PhD students and post-docs, to be complemented by virtual visits to CERN and ATLAS, as well as programming workshops so students can have a look at data themselves.

Students will have the opportunity to further explore some of the topics presented in the school with a group activity, where they will choose a new physics phenomena of their interest and present possible ideas on how could future experiments detect it.

The school will also feature a session where students working on experiments not hosted by CERN will present their work, offering the attendants a broader look at the current status of Particle Physics research.

All talks will be recorded when possible. The link to the recordings can be found under the detailed view of the timetable. The password to access the videos is: Liv@CERN2022


Cristiano Sebastiani - cristiano.sebastiani@cern.ch

Alexandra Galloni - aeg@sevenoaksschool.org

Ricardo Gonzalez - R.Gonzalez-Lopez@liverpool.ac.uk


Zoom link

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 383 811 6074
Passcode: 300672

Liverpool Physics
Application for this event is currently open.