7–10 Mar 2022
Europe/London timezone


CV Writing & Interview Skills

7 Mar 2022, 10:15


Presenter: Jo van Osch

Anderson Yorke is a specialist career management consultancy supporting both private and public sector organisations and employers throughout the UK. We focus on helping experienced individuals manage and navigate their careers through periods of change. We are delighted to have been asked to share our knowledge and experience of contemporary job search methods and techniques.

In our two interactive sessions we will focus on:

• High quality CVs
• Defining transferable skills
• Pinpointing and capturing achievements – S T A R
• CV formats – Reverse Chronological, Functional, Hybrid
• The skills employers look for
• Writing style
• Academic CV’s - personal statement and cover letters
• Private Sector CV’s
• Covering letters – tailoring each CV
• Preparing for interviews - personal preparation and company research
• Researching organisations and employers (Dunn & Bradstreet, LinkedIn, Glass Door etc.)
• Managing first impressions - projecting an upbeat and ‘can do’ attitude (Self-knowledge, Organisational & Occupational Knowledge)
• Different types of interviews, including competency or criteria based
• Difficult interview questions and how to answer them
• Additional selection techniques – Assessment Centres, Psychometrics, aptitude tests etc.

Presentation materials

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