22-26 August 2022
Liverpool Physics
Europe/London timezone


Physics beyond CERN

26 Aug 2022, 10:15
Liverpool Physics

Liverpool Physics


Physics beyond CERN

  • Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez (University of Liverpool (GB))

Physics beyond CERN

  • Ricardo Gonzalez Lopez (University of Liverpool (GB))

Presentation Materials

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Leonie Hawkings
26/08/2022, 10:15
James Mead
26/08/2022, 10:45
Matthew Cox
26/08/2022, 13:30
Beth Slater
26/08/2022, 14:00
Jaiden Parlone (University of Liverpool)
26/08/2022, 14:30
Jorge Romero
26/08/2022, 15:00
Leonie Hawkings
Sean Hughes
Building timetable...