The main topics of the agenda are grouped in the following topics as roughly discussed
The names in brackets are shown as
Health and Safety:
- Long discussion on what needs to be in place in terms of H&S (Everyone).
- Next week there will be a full H&S review at the Factory, output of this review will produce recommendations, some of them will need technical implementations to be discussed and implemented by the technical team after next week's review is done (everyone)
- Contractor order in place to review the safety of the PID-PLC-Light-Courtine/gate systems (Mike,Ged)
- DWA hazard analysis ongoing (Anyssa will provide supporting safety documentation)
Machine protection :
- No problems being observed since latest set of changes were implemented in the GUI software in January, no crashes and/nor damages to the machines or its parts due to unexpected behavior (Carlos)
Tension Control System and Winder Heads (WH):
- Will use APA#6 on Winder#2 for testing and improving the tension system
- Dave Smith agreed
- Measuring at every step of the Winding/Soldering/Frame-handling process
- Need systematic approach to understand and solve observed problems (Phil,Mike,Carlos,Dave Sim,Dan,Alan)
- Mechanical improvements to the head, changing one thing at the time
- Parameter tuning of tension system in PID-PLC
- Possibility of changing load-cell amplifier to the WH
- Parameter tuning in python control code
- Improvements to winding recipes
- Discussed a preliminary MP for WH (Dave Sim,Alan,Phil)
- 3 hours of servicing a WH
- Calibration of a WH (how many hours?, tbd by Carlos,Phil)
- Every two APA expected to replace most parts (tbd?).
- Will use sealed bearings from manufacturer
- Current manufacturer "Simple Bearings", potential alternative SKF.
- Working on WH for winde#5 (Dave Sim)
- Will be finish building this coming week
- There will be 2 spare WHs (Dave Sim)
- Aim is to be able to exchange all heads between all winders, we need calibration files per winder/head permutation.
- Wire break switches, buying 2 alternatives, current switch out of stock (Mike)
Tension Measurements, Winding Recipes and Calibration :
- Phil made some progress a few weeks ago towards using Calibration Camera
- Contractor "Actinium" to look at the PLC mappings to integrate the Calibration Camera
- Will use APA#6 on Winder#2 to further develop DWA process, in particular V,U Layers (Dan,Anyssa,Ged)
- Tension measurements should be uploaded to Construction Database, need some more interaction with Database developers (Carlos,Anyssa)
- Anyssa reported on successful DWA measurements at CERN with APA #4 and #5, vertical measurements will be taken in May
- Implement changes in Control GUI (python) for better/easier management of Recipe and Calibration files (Carlos)
- Implement backup system, one hard drive per winder (Carlos)
- Development of scripts to extract activity information from log files, need to produce plot showing periods of Working_Not_Working of a particular Winder (Carlos)
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