7–10 Nov 2023
The Spine
Europe/London timezone


HVP e+e- Experiments

8 Nov 2023, 09:00
The Spine

The Spine

Presentation materials

Yannick Ulrich
08/11/2023, 09:00
Price Alan
08/11/2023, 09:15
Paolo Beltrame (University of Liverpool)
08/11/2023, 09:30
Riccardo Aliberti (JGU Mainz)
08/11/2023, 09:50
Tommy Martinov (DESY)
08/11/2023, 10:10
Stefan E. Mueller (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
08/11/2023, 10:30
Gerco Onderwater (Maastricht University)
Building timetable...