15-19 July 2024
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Europe/London timezone

AgenticAI for Data Analysis (Boris Bolliet / Cambridge University)

16 Jul 2024, 09:00
John Lennon Art and Design Building

John Lennon Art and Design Building

Duckinfield Street Liverpool L3 5RD


Boris Bolliet (Cambridge University)


Multi-agent systems consisting of Large Language Model (LLM) and Retrieval
Augmented Generation (RAG) powered assistants are game-changing for data analysis tasks. Compared to a standard script that would run a pipeline from A to Z, we can interact dynamically with intelligent agents to ask for modifications, or to request more information on the analysis at hand while the pipeline is being developed and executed. This way, large portions of data analysis pipelines become automated in a fully controlled manner. We will show examples where we set-up widely used codes in CMB analyses such as CAMB and CLASS to perform calculations and execute them within minutes while the same would take hours for a human. This illustrates first small steps towards fully AI assisted cosmological data analysis.

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