15-19 July 2024
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Europe/London timezone

Practical Guide to Data Engineering with Focus on Apache Spark (Ajay Rawat / Hartree)

15 Jul 2024, 10:30
John Lennon Art and Design Building

John Lennon Art and Design Building

Duckinfield Street Liverpool L3 5RD


Ajay Rawat (Hartree)


A comprehensive learning experience tailored to equip participants with the knowledge
and practical skills necessary to excel in the dynamic field of data engineering and big data processing. Practical session participants will be using Databricks https://community.cloud.databricks.com/login.html
Learning Objectives
- Understand the key concepts of data engineering and big data processing.
- Describe the architecture and functionalities of Apache Spark.
- Utilize Spark SQL and Data Frames for data querying and analysis.
- Perform data transformations and aggregations using Spark functions.
- Basic understanding of programming concepts (Python)
- Familiarity with relational databases
- Understanding data warehousing concepts and ETL process (advantageous but not mandatory)
- Recommended STFC Training: Enrol for free then watch video  Practical Guide to Data Engineering

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.