15–19 Jul 2024
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Europe/London timezone

Moving towards intelligent data (Louise Butcher / Hartree)

15 Jul 2024, 10:30
Ann Walker Seminar Room (John Lennon Art and Design Building)

Ann Walker Seminar Room

John Lennon Art and Design Building


Louise Butcher (Hartree)


Participants will learn about collecting good quality, unbiased data, preparing the data
for modelling and exploring some simple machine learning models. There will be a largely practical element to help you work with your data. There will be opportunities to consider how to apply machine learning to participants’ own data problems, using freely available open source tools.
Learning Objectives
- How data science happens in the real world
- What needs to be done to make real data ready for machine learning
- What methods work with real data
- How to handle data legally
- What ethical and social issues surround the use of AI
- Students should have a working knowledge of Python, including use of Pandas.
- Suggested viewing. Create free account and watch Beginner's Guide to Data Collection

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.