15–19 Jul 2024
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Europe/London timezone

Big Data Python ecosystem for HEP analysis (Eduardo Rodrigues / University of Liverpool)

17 Jul 2024, 10:30
Archibald Bathgate seminar room (John Lennon Building of Art and Design)

Archibald Bathgate seminar room

John Lennon Building of Art and Design


Eduardo Rodrigues (University of Liverpool)


Data analysis in High Energy Physics (HEP) has evolved considerably in recent years, with "Big Data" tools being ever more used. Python as a programming language for analysis work is established and a HEP-specific ecosystem connecting well with the wider scientific Python ecosystem is both mature at this point and under continuous development.
I will discuss HEP data as Big Data, Python and its analysis ecosystem provided by various community domain-specific projects. I will dwell in particular on the Scikit-HEP project, which I started in late 2016 with a few colleagues from various backgrounds and domains of expertise. It is now part of the official software stack of the experiments ATLAS, Belle II, CMS, KM3NeT and LHCb.

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