15-19 July 2024
John Lennon Art and Design Building
Europe/London timezone

GIT workshop (Joao Bento / LJMU)

16 Jul 2024, 10:30
John Lennon Art and Design Building

John Lennon Art and Design Building

Duckinfield Street Liverpool L3 5RD


Joao Bento (LJMU)


Git is the fundamental tool for version control and collaborative coding and is easily the
most widely used piece of software by developers worldwide. As such, it is a critical skill in the arsenal of anyone who does any kind of development. In this session, we will introduce the foundations of git, motivate the use of this tool, and proceed with a hands-on workshop in which you will use git in practice on new and existing code repositories. In order to participate in this hands-on workshop, you will need to have git installed on your system, a modern integrated development environment also installed (such as Visual Studio Code), and an account on Github already setup to authenticate with your computer.

Presentation Materials

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